Master the Art of Kids' Closet Organization With These Practical Tips

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Home Organization Pro Shares Strategies to Decluttering Your Kids’ Closet

Langhorne, United States - July 26, 2024 / Dream Garage & Closets /

Declutter Your Kids’ Closet With Expert Organization Tips

Parents know the struggle of keeping their child’s space organized, especially when it comes to their closet. Often overflowing with outgrown clothes and an assortment of toys, kids’ closets seem impossible to keep tidy. However, with the right approach and strategy, it’s more than possible to turn chaotic closets into a decluttered and functional space. A home organization expert shares simple yet effective tips to organize your kids’ closet.

Clean Out the Closet Completely

The journey to an organized closet begins with a thorough cleanout. This involves carefully assessing each item in the closet. Clothes that no longer fit and unused toys can be removed or donated. Damaged items should immediately be discarded. A closet cleanout is crucial as it frees up physical space, leading to better organization. 

Designate Sections for Specific Items

Once the kids’ closet is decluttered, the next step is to categorize the remaining items. Designating specific zones for clothes, toys, and accessories simplifies finding and storing items. Using kid-friendly organizational tools like labeled bins, dedicated shelves, and distinct hanging sections can help maintain this new order. By assigning a clear spot for every item, children are more likely to keep their belongings organized.

The ABCs of Kids’ Closet Organization

Involve Your Child in the Organization Process

Engaging children in the organization process is essential to maintain a neat and well-organized closet. When kids participate in setting up their closet system, they take ownership of the space and are more committed to keeping it tidy. Adding fun elements like colorful bins and creative labels makes the process enjoyable and helps children understand where everything belongs. By making closet organization a collaborative and enjoyable activity, children are more likely to appreciate and maintain their newly organized space.

Get to Know Dream Garage and Closets

For over 10 years, Dream Garage and Closets has been creating beautiful and functional custom closet systems, including kids’ closets. They also offer custom garages, home offices, laundry rooms, and more. Locally owned and operated, the company provides free design consultations and quick installation procedures.

Contact Information:

Dream Garage & Closets

604 Valley Stream Cir 604 Valley Stream Cir
Langhorne, PA 19053
United States

Lenny Kelman


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